How can I get my Carta data into Distributary?

This doc will walk you through how to enable Distributary to build your balance sheet and single source of financial truth. 

Within Carta, investments are organized into either Portfolios or Investment Firms. Founders also may have a different perspective which we will walk through as well.
First, you may wonder why we need access to cap table management software or a transfer agent? Private assets tend to be unregistered, and the terms which define economics and control are bespoke and most custodians don't offer services to interpret this information widely. To understand what you own, we've built simple models and analytic tools to translate private documents into a ledger, surfacing your rights and enabling you to include these private assets in your financial plans.  
With access to investment information only, and no ability to perform tasks or make changes to your account we create transactions by ingesting documents and tracking changes on your behalf within Distributary. With this we can present performance, consolidate data, provide scenario analysis tools and, at your request, find liquidity. 
For Portfolios
Once logged into the desired Portfolio Account:
  1. Click on the "Accounts" dropdown near the center of the screen and chose "People". (If you don't see People listed in the dropdown, it means you're not an administrator in this account and you'll need to ask your administrator to give us access)
    Carta Portfolios Account
  2. Within the "People" Screen, click on the black "Add User" button in the top right and fill ut the form, adding Then click "Send Invite". Note the Administrator status is not selected
    Add User

For Investment Firms

Once logged into the desired Investment Account:

  1.  Click on "Firm Settings" in the left hand nav bar and then select "Settings"
  2. Under the "People" tab, select "Add new user" in the top right of the screen
    Investment Firm - Add People
  3. Provide access within the  "Investments" data seciton selecting "Allow/Disallow All"

For Founders:

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