Custom Inbox

Every user can opt-in to create a custom inbox, which serves as a simple way to aggregate both the contents of email communication as well as attachments. These documents, remain the most common ways private and alternative assets are internalized today. Read more about how the custom inbox plays a part in a consolidated tape for your financial data

How to use it

Your inbox is administered by Distributary and the contents can be made available to you and your financial advisor or other professional parties in its raw form.

This leaves investors with a segregated inbox to capture and make sense of financial transactions in an access controlled manner.

More importantly - we make sense of the Inbox so that transactions are recorded in the ledger, capital activity like calls and distributions are managed and information that relates to your economic or control rights are reflected in performance and saved for your professional advisors.

  • Your custom inbox is unique to you, so you can share this with fund administrators, founders or any party who you trust to send you information about your investments or updates on your assets
  • The contents of the emails are stored and available via the global search functions within Distributary
  • We can act as a gatekeeper to provide a single concise digest of your private asset activity from email contents an update your portfolio directly

Request your own custom inbox

  1. Click the menu in the top left of the main page after you log in and click on your name to go to the profile or follow this link
  2. Expand the email section
  3. Enter a custom email username and wait for approval
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