HeldAway Position Level Report - ( A Guide)

HeldAway helps you manage 100s of clients held away statements within systems like Tamarac or Black Diamond in an efficient and consistent way.

We'll go over how it works below, walking through how in just two 5 minute increments, operations teams can ensure all accounts are comprehensively aggregated into portfolio management and client reporting system.


  1. Share a Reporting Template(s)
  2. Create / Select client (required)
  3. Upload Statement (required)
  4. Create or Select the specific account (required)
  5. Upload existing holdings (optional)
  6. Select or create Translations
  7. Review and Export your Report

Step 1: Reporting Template

Reporting templates describe the shape and format of how position level information extracted from uploaded documents should be structured and delivered back to the client. Correctly detailing the format, and speaking with us about how you plan to use this data can substantially improve accuracy and reduce the amount of time spent working with client documents

We produce custom reports for easy ingestion into client portals and performance reporting systems like Tamarac, Black Diamond and Orion. Email support@heldaway.ai with a sample excel or .csv documentincluding at least one row of data with preferred formatting and we'll generate reports in this format to fill out all required fields.

Users may also reach out to support@heldaway.ai if they would like reports generated from the HeldAway position level workflows to be updated through application programming interfaces provided by existing portfolio management or financial planning software.

Step 2: Adding new clients

From the CLIENTS dashboard you can click the blue "ADD" button in the top right of the screen to create a new client, providing client emails are optional, but helpful to automate collection of statements down the line

{Image of the Demo Client Account Dashboard with a green square around the clicked ADD button}

Step 3: Uploading held away statements

  • Select a client from the CLIENTS dashboard, to upload documents on their behalf. Searching for the client could help filter the client list.
  • Click on the hamburger menu on the right hand side of the screen to reveal the "Upload Statements" Option. Following instructions on screen, you'll be able to drag and drop or navigate the file explorer to find the client document and you can edit the name you would like to store this in our system, add tags which can be used to group and search for documents or create relationships with existing accounts or entities within our system.
  • If you also have a document with details of the position level data in your systems currently, now is the time to update these documents by using the Create -> Uploaded Document

Step 4: Starting a Workflow

  • After a successful upload, you'll be taken to your clients document store - select the hamburger menu to the right of the document in the list and select "Start Workflow"
  • Select a Report Type
  • Select or create the account associated with the uploaded Statement

Once the

  1. Start Workflow
  2. Have a coffee and enjoy life until you're notified that the report is ready for review
  3. Starting with new positions in the statement,
    1. Matching is only required the first time a client account which already has an existing position in your portfolio management system is uploaded into the system. After the first statement the system will learn and attempt to automatically find Translations based on prior accepted matches
    2. Match existing positions in a statement with existing positions. Those which are not matched will be treated as closed since the last statement, either due to a change in the selected proxy, or actual activity in the client account
    3. We suggest going through new positions and selecting a match from the current holdings until either all existing position matches are identified or indicated as not remaining in current statement.
  4. Add prices to manage translations or transfer quantities directly.
  5. Generate report

[Video] adding a new client

Upload Existing Positions.

We recommend that you upload existing holdings as at close of business, to ensure that the new suggested translations correct your system appropriately. New transactions will be dated as of the statement date.


Positions and transaction updates may not yield the same unit values or quantities within your statement , however we ensure that the resulting market values will align with your updated statement.


  • We show the identifier from statements , this can either be a description or a symbol

When you creat. anew translation manually - we use the Statement Description in the translation going forward.

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