Using HeldAway Document Store for Enhanced Data Search and Viewing

The HeldAway document store revolutionizes the way you interact with your financial documents. It's designed to offer a deep and intelligent search within any type of document, enabling efficient and precise data retrieval.

Key Features

Intelligent Search Capabilities

  • Deep Search within Financial Documents: HeldAway allows you to search for specific tables, sentences, phrases, or terms within your financial agreements and documents.
  • Fast and Efficient: Locate any document containing your required information in seconds, streamlining your workflow.

Multi-Format Support and Data Extraction

  • Support for Various Formats: Whether you upload a PDF, CSV, XLSX, or JPEG, HeldAway handles it seamlessly.
  • Advanced Text and Data Extraction: Beyond just extracting text for large language model support, the system actively searches for tabular data at certain service tiers
  • Retention of Table Content and Location: HeldAway retains not just the content of the tables but also their precise location within the document.

Convenient PDF Viewing

  • Popover PDF Viewer: View PDFs directly within the system using the popover PDF viewer. This feature eliminates the need to exit the system or open a new tab, ensuring a more streamlined user experience.

Enhanced Table Data Handling

  • Jump to Specific Table Instances: For every table extracted, you can easily jump to the specific instance of the sourced table. This feature enhances transparency and provides valuable context when integrating this data into your workflow.
  • Structured Data Navigation: Within the Popover Viewer, users can cycle through structured data extracts for a single document, making it easier to analyze and utilize the extracted information.

HeldAway document store is a comprehensive solution for both bi-directional management of data between systems and supports our process automation products. With its intelligent search capabilities, multi-format support, convenient viewing options, and enhanced data handling, HeldAway simplifies and accelerates the process of data retrieval and analysis.

Please reach out to the team at with any questions.

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