
Financial events are a broad set of instances which can be both the result of or the reason for a transaction, and usually the capture both economic & non economic information which is useful for investors and advisors to make decision. 

Within our system, Portfolio construction will be driven by these events which serve as the connections or edges in a financial graph. Our  framework enables us to provide a clear and consistent understanding of opportunity and risk across a growing array of alternative assets.


  • Capital calls and distributions are really corporate actions which materially change the liquidity profile and cashflow within a portfolio
  • New issuance of securities by a Company affects ownership, rights and value 
  • Conversion or option expiry triggered by the investor also affects cashflow and potentially has tax and other control implications

Distributary has built a robust classifications to automate these processes and make life simpler for the average investor - you'll simply upload event documents and have them interpreted!

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